
Category: General
It depends from case to case. Your situation and how committed you are, to finding your goals. Generally, a few sessions are spent in sharing the issues and exploring options. Usually, 5-6 sessions start showing results for 90% of clients.
Category: General

Confidentiality is an integral of counselling. A Counsellor cannot reveal anything spoken during a session with the Counselee.

Category: General

A Counsellor doesn’t just hear you when you share. They analyse and then take you through a series of questions or mental exercises that help your awareness of your issue and its reason. Then you are systematically guided till you find the answers that you are looking for.

Category: General

A process that you go through with a trained professional, where you can speak your mind without fear of being judged. Where you get to find your own solutions for your issues, the way they work best for you.

Category: General

Anyone, of any age, as long as they can communicate, can go for counselling.

Category: General

No, counselling is not advice-giving. Each person is different and has a different nature and way of thinking. Counselling gives you the skills to identify the solutions that are right for you, not what someone else thinks is right for you.